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3. Arizona-Utah 2000
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Dry Waterfall - Road to Sedona AZ from Sierra Blanca, TX

Jane @ the dry waterfall.  Notice the "Sweater"... it was cooler in the Eagle.

Balance Rock  - Road from Munds Park, AZ to Sedona (Off Road Vehicle Required)
The Canyons of Sedona - Munds Park, AZ to Sedona (Off Road Vehicle Required) The town of Sedona is in the valley.  Munds Park, AZ to Sedona (Off Road Vehicle Required) Cactus flower viewed on on 10 mile hike near Stoneman Lake, AZ.

The Pack Mule

Gouldings RV Park - Monument Valley, UT

View from the Trading Post & Lodge

Picture taken from Gouldings RV Park of Monument Valley, UT

Photographic view point at Gouldings.

Monument Valley, UT

Monument dedicated to Mr. Goulding and his wife "Mike".

They lived out their lives in Monument Valley.

Transportation in the beginning days of Gouldings.  Mr. Goulding was born in 1897.

Jane admiring transportation from the past.

Valley Of The Gods

Bell Butte

Troy... Wagons Ho!!

Canyon of the Eagles Campsite

Georgine, Dessie, and Jane

Canyon of the Eagles

Cactus Rose

Canyon of the Eagles

Young squirrel posing for a picture.